Name | Image | Rarity | Type | Cost | Description |
Camouflage | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain (!B! Block. Gain) 3 kobegreen:Stealth. |
Deft Strike | | Common | Attack | 1 | Deal 4 (6) damage twice. Positive Dexterity increases the damage of this card. |
Poise | | Common | Skill | 1 | Gain 7 (10) Block. Negative Dexterity and Frail do not affect this card. |
Wicked Gift | | Common | Skill | 1 (0) | Discard a card. If it is a Skill, apply 2 Vulnerable. If it is a non-Skill card, apply 2 Weak. |
Condition | | Uncommon | Power | 1 | (Innate.)Whenever you draw or discard a 0-cost Attack, deal 4 damage to ALL enemies. |
Decoy | | Uncommon | Skill | | Unplayable. If this card is discarded from your hand, gain 8 (11) Block. |
Improvise | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Choose 1 of 2 (3) non-Green Skills to add into your hand. Retain it. Exhaust. |
Invisible Threads | | Uncommon | Skill | 0 | Shuffle up to 3 cards from your discard pile into your draw pile. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.) |
Petrify | | Uncommon | Attack | 1 | Deal 16 (20) damage. Enemy prevents the next time it would lose HP. |
Poison Cocktail | | Uncommon | Skill | 1 | Discard 3 cards and apply 3 (4) Poison for each card type among them. |
Poltergeist | | Uncommon | Attack | 2 | Deal 6 damage to a random enemy 3 (4) times. Draw 3 (4) cards, then discard them. |
Ace in the Hole | | Rare | Skill | 2 | Retain. Add 3 (4) Shivs+ into your hand. |
Adaptive | | Rare | Power | 1 | (Innate.)The first 1-cost card you play each turn becomes 0-cost until played. |
Quagmire | | Rare | Skill | 1 (0) | At the start of your turn, draw 1 card for every 2 unique debuffs the enemy has. Exhaust. |
Unpredictable | | Rare | Power | 1 | Gain 2 (3) Dexterity. At the start of your turn, exchange your Strength and Dexterity. |